
Upright growing white snow-berry with a late harvest.

Planting distance: 80 x 80

Quantity per metre: 1.56

Soil type: All types of soil

Winter hardiness: Excellent

  • Symphoricarpos


Symphoricarpos, also known as snowberry, is a beautiful plant characterized by pearly berries in various colors. These plants originally come from North America, belong to the honeysuckle family, and grow on almost all kinds of soil. The berry shrub is a true gem for your garden is easy to maintain. In addition, the snowberry is available in various colors, such as different hues of pink, purple, green and red.

Where and when does a snowberry flower?

Snowberries are excellent winter plants that will give your garden an elegant look. The flowering period of this plant takes place between June and September. Some Kolster species even flower until December. They also grow after the winter period; depending on the species, this period may differ. All types of snowberries grow straight up to 1.5 meters long and have a steady berry growth per branch. The plant grows and spreads easily once it is established. By doing so, the berry shrub supersedes surrounding weeds. For this reason, snowberries are mostly found in parks and forests, as well as on estates. You could say that this is one of the reasons it is rooted in the Netherlands and Belgium. You will also find an abundance of snowberries in wild deciduous forests.

A robust and maintenance-friendly shrub

Snowberries are robust shrubs that can take a few punches, hence the rich distribution of the plant throughout the Netherlands. The plant is maintenance-friendly and is resistant to air pollution. It does not need pruning every year if it is in the garden; once every three or four years will be enough. Pruning is best done mid-winter, up to ten centimeters above the ground. This prevents aging of the plant. 

The leaf of the berry shrub

The leaves of this species have a round or elliptic shape with an undamaged edge. In addition, they may be lobed or laterally incised, which is especially noticeable in young plants. The plant forms pink flowers with short stems and contains mature petals that are very hairy from the inside. This separates the anthers from the stamp. The snowberry is also a shrub with plenty of offshoot.

The development of this beautiful plant

Snowberries produce nectar. With it, they attract insects such as bumblebees, wasps and hoverflies. Once snowberries are fertilized, a berry with two seeds will develop from the ovary. Whether the berry shrub is able to self-propagate has not yet been established. However, the fertilizing job is done by thrushes who eat the berries and spread the seeds through their droppings. The berries are not only attractive for birds, but also for young children, who like to play with them. 

A striking shrub in winter 

In fall and winter, when most plants and trees have lost their glory, the snowberry shines with its bunches of white and pearly berries. As a result, the berries give an exciting and elegant touch to dark places in the garden or parks throughout the winter period. A low-maintenance plant in various varieties and colors.

Tips and features for all Symphoricarpos variants

Because caring for all of your plants is not only a pleasant, but also essential activity, we have compiled a list with all Symphoricarpos species with tips and tricks for each species. This allows you to make the best choices and provide the best care for your plants. 

The name Symphoricarpos is a Latin word originally derived from the Greek words symphorein (standing close together) and karpos (fruit). The names refer to the bunches of berries. 

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Autumn Blush (Kolmagablus)
    Een zachtroze sneeuwbes met een midden-late oogst tussen september en oktober.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Avalanche (Kolmava)
    Witte bessen met een bloei tussen augustus en september. Een zeer vroege sneeuwbes met bes overladen takken.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Charming Fantasy (Kolcharm)
    Een roze sneeuwbes met een bloei tussen augustus en september. Een vroege sneeuwbes met een zeer lange oogsttijd.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Lemon and Lime (Kolmaleli)
    Een opgaande witte sneeuwbes met een late snijtijd.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Mandy (Kolmaman)
    Een fraaie sneeuwbes met zachtroze bessen die bloeien tussen september en oktober. Deze variant van de sneeuwbessen hebben overvolle trossen en rechtopgaande stelen.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Milky Way (Kolmawiwa)
    Een opgaande witte sneeuwbes met een late snijtijd.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Pride (Kolmprid)
    Een diep-roze sneeuwbes met een bloeiperiode in september. Deze soort heeft een zeer goede besbezetting met fraaie opgaande bessen.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Purple (Kolmapu)
    Een zeer bijzondere sneeuwbes met een oogst tot aan de kerst (november - december).

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Temptation (Kolmatemta)
    Een zeer fraaie, late, donker, paarsrode sneeuwbes met een bloeiperiode in oktober.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Treasure (Kolmtrea)
    Een dieproze sneeuwbes met een fraaie besbezetting. De oogsttijd vindt plaats tussen september en oktober. De groei van deze soort is opgaand.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical White Dream (Kolmawhidre)
    Een prachtige witte sneeuwbes met een vrij late oogst, namelijk tussen september en oktober.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Autumn Blush 
    A soft pink snowberry with a medium late harvest between September and October.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Avalanche (Kolmava) 
    White berries flowering between August and September. A very early snowberry full of berries.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Charming Fantasy (Kolcharm) 
    A pink snowberry flowering between August and September. An early snowberry with a very long harvest time.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Lemon and Lime (Kolmaleli) 
    A rising white snowberry with a late cut time.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Mandy (Kolmaman)
    A beautiful snowberry with soft pink berries flowering between September and October. This snowberry variant has branches loaded with berries and upright stalks.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Milky Way (Kolmawiwa) 
    A rising white snowberry with a late cut time.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Pride (Kolmprid) 
    A deep pink snowberry flowering in September. This species has a very good budding with beautiful rising berries.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Purple (Kolmapu) 
    A very special snowberry harvested until Christmas (November - December).

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Temptation (Kolmatemta) 
    A beautiful, late, dark, purple-red snowberry flowering in October.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical Treasure (Kolmtrea)
    A deep pink symphoricarpos Albus with a beautiful budding. It is harvested between September and October. The growth of this species is upward.

  • Symphoricarpos Magical White Dream (Kolmawhidre) 
    A beautiful white snowberry with a fairly late harvest, between September and October.