We are proud to present one of these special shapes: Eryngium yuccifolium Magical Green Dwarf.
The pointy yucca-like foliage gives the shrub a stunning appearance. The globe-shaped white/green flowers complete the picture.
We are proud to present one of these special shapes: Eryngium yuccifolium Magical Green Dwarf.
The pointy yucca-like foliage gives the shrub a stunning appearance. The globe-shaped white/green flowers complete the picture.
The Eryngium cultivars is a plant with high production. It is known by various names, such as the Eryngium planum, the blue thistle or flat sea holly. The blue thistle is known for its bullet-shaped flowers in blue and purple, but will in the near future be expanded with more beautiful colors and unique shapes.
A particularly physical character
Apart from the range of pastel colors by which the blue thistle is often recognized, the plant has an extremely physical character. The blue thistle can grow between 80 and 120 centimeters tall (depending on the species) and can be quite stiff. The flower heads are about 1 to 1.5 centimeters in diameter and have spiky, hair-like buds. Long-stemmed chalice leaves surround the flower heads and have the same color as the flower heads. Because of the spikey nature of the plant, it is important to wear protective gloves when handling the plant.
Where and when do blue thistles flower
Blue thistles are a beautiful asset for your garden because they provide their surroundings with beautiful purple/blue accents. The blue thistle is part of the screen-flower family and is often found in areas such as the Pyrenees and limestone dunes along the North Sea. It can grow at altitudes to over 2,000 meters. The plant is at its best in sunny areas in not too fertile, calcareous soils, and also grows on sand and rubble grounds. The blue thistle is drought resilient and forms a beautiful addition to rock and heath gardens.
Blue thistles flower from July to September, provided they are in a sunny and fairly moist place. Generally, this applies to all types of thistles, but, depending on the species, there may be variations.
A desire for maintenance
Blue thistles also require maintenance and a dry ground with plenty of sunlight. They are best planted on their own. Should the soil not contain lime, and you still would like to add these plants to your garden, you could give the thistles a bit of lime each year to stimulate growth and flowering. Provide the flowers with sufficient moisture, but avoid standing water. To extend the flowering season of these beautiful plants, old flowers are best taken away. Furthermore, blue thistles can easily be combined with other perennials such as the Gypsophila, Solidago and ornamental grasses, provided that thistles are given enough space.
A plant like the blue thistle is very suitable for (dried) bouquets. In addition, this plant is also used for medicinal purposes such as relieving skin conditions, coughs, blockages, gallstones and infections.
Because caring for all of your plants is not only a pleasant, but also essential activity, we have compiled a list for you with all Eryngium species with accompanying tips and tricks for their care. This allows you to make the best choices and provide the best care for your plants.
Eryngium Magical Anita (Kolmanita)
Een fraaie, sterke, groenblauwe distel met een bijzondere kegel. De bloeiperiode van deze soort vindt plaats tussen juli en augustus.
Eryngium Alpinum Blue Bayou (Dekobay)
Een prachtige staal-blauwe distel met bloeiperiode tussen juli en augustus.
Eryngium Magical Blue Falls (Kolmbufa)
Een sterke distel met een hoge productie en blauwe bloemen met een bloeiperiode tussen juli en augustus.
Eryngium Magical Blue Lagoon (Kolmblula)
Zeer bijzondere sterke blauwe distel, die ook in het groene stadium erg mooi is. De bloeiperiode vindt plaats tussen juli en augustus.
Eryngium Magical Cloud (Kolmaclo)
Een sterke distel met een hoge productie en gevulde amethyst-kleurige bloemen. De bloeiperiode vindt plaats tussen juli en augustus.
Eryngium Yuc. Magical Green Globe (Kolmgrobe)
Een groene kogeldistel te oogsten in juli tot en met augustus.
Eryngium Magical Purple Falls (Kolmapufa)
Een sterke distel met een hoge productie en paarsblauwe bloemen. Met een bloeiperiode van juli tot en met augustus.
Eryngium Magical Purple Stars (Kolmpurst)
Gezonde en sterke distel, te oogsten als paars met jonge groene bloempjes of rijper als geheel blauwpaars in juli tot en met augustus.
Eryngium Magical Rowshow (Kolmaros)
Sterke blauwe distel met gekrulde bloemblaadjes met een bloeiperiode van juli tot en met augustus.
Eryngium Magical Silver (Kolmagsil)
Sterke zilverwitte distel met een goede productie in juli tot en met augustus.
Eryngium Magical Star (Decostar)
Prachtige paarse bloemen op stevige stelen en bloeien van juli tot en met augustus. Zeer bijzondere distel met een zeer fraai verdeelde bloementak. De takopbouw is uniek en ideaal voor de bloemisterij. De bloemen zijn verder reukloos.
Eryngium Magical White Falls (Kolmwhifal)
Een sterke distel met gevulde witte bloemen en een bloeiperiode van juli tot en met augustus.
Eryngium Magical Anita (Kolmanita)
A beautiful, strong, green-blue thistle with a special cone. The flowering period of this species takes place between July and August.
Eryngium Alpinum Blue Bayou (Dekobay)
A beautiful steel-blue thistle flowering between July and August.
Eryngium Magical Blue Falls (Kolmbufa)
A strong thistle with high production and blue flowers with a flowering period between July and August.
Eryngium Magical Blue Lagoon (Kolmblula)
Very special, strong blue thistle, which is also very beautiful in its green stage. The flowering period takes place between July and August.
Eryngium Magical Cloud (Kolmaclo)
A strong thistle with high production and filled amethyst-colored flowers. The flowering period takes place between July and August.
Eryngium Yuc. Magical Green Globe (Kolmgrobe)
A green bullet thistle that is to be harvested from July to August.
Eryngium Magical Purple Falls (Kolmapufa)
A strong thistle with high production and purple-blue flowers. With a flowering period from July to August.
Eryngium Magical Purple Stars (Kolmpurst)
A healthy and strong thistle, harvested as purple with young green flowers or ripe as an entirely blue-purple plant from July to August.
Eryngium Magical Rowshow (Kolmaros)
A strong blue thistle with curled petals with a flowering period from July to August.
Eryngium Magical Silver (Kolmagsil)
A strong silver-white thistle with good production in July and August.
Eryngium Magical Star (Decostar)
A beautiful thistle with purple flowers on solid stems, flowering from July to August. A very special thistle with a very beautifully divided flower branch. The unique way the branches are built is a florist's dream. The flowers are odorless.
Eryngium Magical White Falls (Kolmwhifal)
A strong thistle full of white flowers, with a flowering period from July to August.