
A stunning Hypericum with an abundance of creamy yellow berries.

Planting distance: 60 x 70

Quantity per metre: 2.38

Soil type: All types of soil

Winter hardiness: Good

  • Hypericum
  • Garden plants

Hypericum EN

The Hypericum is a popular berry that is often found in mixed bouquets these days. The "Magical" Hypericum, a variant of the hypericum, has soon conquered a highly appreciated place on the international hypericum market. Apart from the beautiful hues of the berries, the plant is also characterized by healthy growth, high rust tolerance and often even rust resistance. A healthy, beautiful plant and because of the wide range of colors, there will always be a color to your liking.

A (yellow) pearl

De hypericum is also known as St. John's wort and stems from the hypericum family. It is a perennial, flowering in summer. Common colors for this plant are various shades of yellow. In fall, the flower is adorned with brown-red berries and, depending on the species, can reach a shrub height between 30 and 150 centimeters. Worldwide, there are about 400 St. John's wort species. In Europe, they can mainly be found in subtropical and temperate areas. With its underground sprouts, the St. John's wort is an excellent soil cover and will thus be a (yellow) pearl between the rest of your colorful assets throughout summer.

The right location

This soil-covering plant does well on any soil type, but it has a preference for a humus-rich, moist soil. A sunny location is highly desirable, because the more sunlight the St. John's wort receives, the more beautiful it will flower. However, the St. John's wort can also live in full or partial shade. Once the soil has been prepared, these plants bought in summer can be planted. The St. John's wort can be planted both on its own or in combination with other St. John's wort plants or other species. St. John's wort are plants tolerant of soil and other plant species. They are a well-considered choice for parks and lawns.

Easy care for an easy plant

The St. John's wort is at its best in a rock garden, where it will form a nice contrast with the rocks, making the St. John's wort shine even more. Spring is the best time to plant the St. John's wort, so that it can take root in winter. To stimulate the flowering of this yellow pearl, proper pruning is essential. Pruning the tops in spring each year is therefore advised. Once every three to four years, you can prune the entire plant to about 5 centimeters above the ground. It is also important to strip the plant of dead branches. 

Disease and other infections hardly occur in this plant, making it an even better buy. It is an easy, low-maintenance plant, which leaves you time to also look after the rest of your garden.


Like many other herbs and plants, St. John's wort, too, has its medicinal qualities. A tincture can be extracted from the leaf and stems, that can be used for nervous diseases, sciatica and burns. It is also used as an ingredient for antidepressants. Because of this substance, most wild animals avoid the St. John's wort.

Apart from having various kinds of medical uses, the St. John's wort is a great a cut flower. Both the flowers and the berries are often added to bouquets as decorative additions because of its elegant effect.

The hypericum is a rich plant with many varieties. We have listed some of the most beautiful types for you, so you only have to choose depending on your taste. 


The name Hypericum is derived from the Greek god Hyperion, father of Helios, also known as the Sun. Like the sun, the flowers of the St. John's wort have a bright yellow color.

  • Hypericum Magical Beauty (Kolmbeau) 
    Beautiful hypericum with salmon-colored berries, a unique coloring. This species grows slightly less tall than most species. This species is rust resistant.

  • Hypericum Magical Dawn (Kolmagida) 
    These hypericums bear large, deep brown berries.

  • Hypericum Magical Fall (Kolmfa) 
    Beautiful deep, dark reddish berry on dark colored leaf. This species also has a particularly beautiful branch structure with a very late cutting time. In addition, there Hypericum hardly is sensitive to rust.

  • Hypericum Magical Green Power (Kolmgrepo) 
    Adorned with large, shiny green berries with a good branching.

  • Hypericum Magical Green Revival (Kolmgreviva)
    Beautiful green berries cannot be missed in this species.

  • Hypericum Magical Impression (Kolmagimpre) 
    Beautiful red berries that keep their color over a long period of time. A beautiful purchase hat you will enjoy for a long time.

  • Hypericum Magical Innocence (Kolmaginno) 
    This species features beautiful salmon-colored berries and adds a cheerful touch to its surroundings.

  • Hypericum Magical Lightning (Kolmligh) 
    A hypericum species with dark red berries.

  • Hypericum Magical Pink Fall (Kolmpifa) 
    This type of hypericum has pink berries and a unique branch construction.

  • Hypericum Magical Pumpkin (Kolmapuki) 
    A unique hypericum species because of its two-colored berries.

  • Hypericum Magical Red Fame (Kolmaref) 
    A beautiful leaf with beautiful, large red berries.

  • Hypericum Magical Red Fall (Kolmrefal) 
    This species is characterized by red berries and especially the late flowering period that takes place between August and September.

  • Hypericum Magical Summersun (Kolmsusu)
    Beautiful, big, yellow berries steal the show with these hypericums.

  • Hypericum Magical Universe (Kolmuni) 
    A type of hypericum with black berries and dark leaf.

  • Hypericum Magical White Fall (Kolmwhifa)
    Beautiful white berries frame these hypericums with a unique branching. The berries have cream to bright white colors and the plant has a late cutting time.